Soluciones de propulsión y maniobra de alto rendimiento
Con requisitos de potencia como nunca antes, el éxito de cada embarcación depende de un motor marino eficiente, confiable y potente. Cat® Los motores cumplen con las regulaciones de emisiones a nivel mundial y aún así brindan una oleada de adrenalina cuando y donde sea necesario.
Cat® high performance marine engines offer superior performance while meeting international requirements. Our marine engines include innovations such as ACERTTM Technology and Caterpillar Common Rail. Additionally, they are MIL-E Qualified (NVR) and MIL-S-901 Shock Qualified. For pleasure craft and recreational customers - It's all about you! Throughout the power range, Cat engines have the power not just to accelerate, but to exhilarate. Continual advancements in electronic engine technology mean Cat marine engines satisfy worldwide emissions regulations and still deliver a surge of adrenaline whenever and wherever required. In short, with Caterpillar, your pleasure craft remains precisely that — a pleasure.