Top Safety Tips for Heavy Equipment Operators
Heavy equipment can be quite dangerous if operated by untrained users. Even so, trained operators need to stay focused and vigilant at all times, aware of their surroundings and their crew, in order to stay safe. Hawthorne Cat offers new, used, and rental heavy equipment in our territories of San Diego, Saipan, Guam, American Samoa, and Hawaii. Below, we’ll go over the top safety tips for heavy equipment operators. Stop by one of our Cat dealer locations today.

Stay Focused and Vigilant At All Times
When operating heavy equipment, you’ll need to stay focused at all times and alert. On a job site, there are many other moving parts, such as other heavy equipment, vehicles, and, most importantly, people to be aware of. Be sure to double check your surroundings before making sudden moves every time.

Be Knowledgeable of Your Heavy Equipment’s Load Limits
There is a real danger of heavy equipment tipping over, a part breaking, or the entire machine breaking down if load limits are repeatedly exceeded. Be knowledgeable about the materials you are moving and the capabilities of your particular heavy machinery.

Keep Your Heavy Equipment in Tip-Top Operating Shape
One of our favorite safety tips for heavy equipment is to keep it well maintained and in great working order. This will vastly reduce the chances of an equipment malfunction, which can spell disaster if you are in the middle of lifting materials into the air. A pre-inspection and post inspection trip are always recommended.

Utilize Buffer Zones for Vehicle and Pedestrian Safety
When you are working near streets or pedestrians, it’s important to utilize buffer zones as much as possible for the safety of vehicles, pedestrians, and those on your job site. These create a barrier so that you can maneuver your heavy machinery with confidence and safely at all times.
Hawthorne Cat offers the best in new, used, and rental heavy machinery. We pride ourselves on taking care of our customers’ every need from the moment they contact us till the moment they hang up their heavy machinery belt. We offer Genuine Cat parts, service and maintenance, as well as technological innovations to help you get more work done with less work. Stop by one of our Caterpillar dealer locations in San Diego, Saipan, Guam, American Samoa, and Hawaii today.