Electric Power Generation
Power Generation Solutions from a Single Source Provider

You work hard to stay on time and on budget in your business, and you need reliable power systems to keep it that way. With more than 750,000 Caterpillar generator sets installed worldwide, our generators provide reliable integrated power system solutions to keep your business running in any situation.
Hawthorne Power Systems carries a full range of Cat® diesel and natural gas generator sets for your power generation needs, including emergency standby, peak shaving, co-generation, prime or continuous power for co-generation, prime power, and standby power. You can buy with confidence knowing that Cat generator sets lead the industry in durability, reliability, and efficiency – a solid foundation for any fully integrated power system. Matched with our unparalleled customer support and team of experienced power systems professionals, Hawthorne Power Systems will ensure your generator set delivers on-going, reliable performance through the lifetime of your product. To get started, contact one of our Cat dealers near you today.

Diesel Generator Sets
If you need a generator set capable of 6 to 14,040 ekW (7.5 to 17,770 kVA) of prime, continuous, or standby power potential, our diesel-fueled generator sets will help you get there. Made to world-class standards of high efficiency, low fuel consumption, and global emissions compliance, Cat Diesel Generator Sets are designed to meet your power needs for simple installation and application.
Gas Generator Sets
Our gas generator sets are made to run on your most abundant resources with fuel flexible options to provide you anywhere from 20 to 9,700 ekW of power with customizable options to match your power needs. Gas generator sets are easy to select, permit, and install with tailored designs for natural gas, biogas, coal gas, and alternative fuels.
Cat SpecSizer
Cat® Electric Power recently introduced their latest generator set sizing software, the Cat Electric Power SpecSizer. The SpecSizer consider factors based on your site conditions, load characteristics, and required performance in order to provide accurate technical data and assist in finding the right generator size for your power needs.

- Remote work. When you're out in the field, it pays to have a reliable power system to ensure your operation continues without a hitch. We offer mobile power solutions to keep your operation running smoothly.
- Standby power. Downtime means lost income for business owners everywhere, no matter your industry. Be prepared for power outages with a gas or diesel genset from Hawthorne Cat.
- Night work. Many operations, such as construction, industrial, marine, and oil and gas, require night work. You'll need power for light towers, power tools, and more in order to stay safe and keep moving.
Contingency Planning
Are you prepared for the unexpected? Any major storm or flood can result in severe damage. And Hawthorne Power Systems will be there to help get you back up and running as soon as possible. We recommend every customer be prepared for unplanned power emergency scenarios in which even backup power systems fail. Learn more

Hawthorne Cat is a leader in providing power solutions for your needs, from construction sites to backup power. Our team has more than 65 years of experience in helping our customers with reliable power systems. From power generation to air compressors, rental power, and marine power, we've got your needs covered. We can design and build a custom system for your specific needs, as well as install it. We have locations throughout San Diego, Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa, and Saipan. Get in touch with the Cat dealer nearest you to get started today!
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