Hawthorne Cat works hard to exceed your expectations by providing you with quality products and services through our empowered team of highly motivated individuals. We are committed to partnering with Maui, and we make it a priority to satisfy your needs as a valued customer.
Hawaii | Maui
470 S. Hana Highway
Kahului, HI 96732
7:00 am - 3:30 pm, Monday - Friday
833.214.5829 toll free
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808.520.0222 after hours
808.479.2464 after hours
Cat® Equipment
Hawthorne Cat offers the best variety of high-quality Cat machinery and attachments in Maui. Cat equipment sets the standard for exceptional quality, long-term reliability, and outstanding durability.
Hawthorne Rentals
Hawthorne Rentals in Maui is here to help you get the job done right! Our sales associates are happy to assist you in finding the right equipment at a price that meets your needs. Our technicians will make sure your equipment is in tip-top shape before you head out on the job site.
Check Out Our Inventory Today!
Hawthorne Cat has been in the industry for over 60 years and offers one of the best service departments in the business. Our certified technicians are trained to service all Cat products and other brand name equipment.
Check Out Our Service Offerings
Hawthorne Marine Power in Maui offers Caterpillar’s full line of propulsion and auxiliary engines, as well as unsurpassed service. We’re committed to maximizing your success by helping you get the most out of your operations with advanced solutions, service, and support.