Undercarriage Inspections

Make Your Track Last | Free Undercarriage Inspections

Now is the Time to Book Your Undercarriage Inspection

One of the most important factors in helping you achieve the lowest owning and operating costs and equipment uptime is matching the right undercarriage option to your specific machine model and work application. An improperly managed undercarriage can account for more than half of machine maintenance costs.

That’s why Hawthorne Cat offers Custom Track Service (CTS) inspections, our comprehensive program for managing your undercarriage system, which uses the most advanced diagnostic equipment available, like the Ultrasonic Wear Indicator. With CTS, we can accurately monitor undercarriage performance and predict wear rates, so you can evaluate service options, plan your maintenance, and schedule downtime. The CTS analysis, which can be completed on your job site, helps you make informed decisions that keep your operating costs as low as possible.


Hawthorne’s undercarriage specialists will deliver complete component analytics that don’t cut corners or keep you in the dark. Your FREE no-obligation undercarriage inspection could help uncover how you can reduce owning and operating costs. The detailed inspection report will include our expert advice and replacement options.


To book your FREE no-obligation undercarriage inspection, complete the form below.